Special Offer for Friends of Amy Porterfield!

Get a Word-Perfect Pitch for Your Business that Compels Prospects to Respond...Right Now!
An Effective "Elevator Pitch" is the
Single Fastest Way to Grow Your Business

Get a Single Statement for Your Business that Compels Prospects to Respond...Right Now!

Get a Single Statement for Your Business that Compels Prospects to Respond...Right Now!
An Effective "Elevator Pitch" is the Single Fastest Way to Grow Your Business in 2020 and Beyond

Get a Single Statement for Your Business that Compels Prospects to Respond...Right Now!

An Effective "Elevator Pitch" is the Single Fastest Way to Grow Your Business

When you tell your prospects what you do,
are they confused?

When you tell your prospects what you do, are they confused?

Prospects cannot buy what they
do not understand!

Prospects cannot buy what they do not understand!

A confused prospect is a lost prospect. A simple statement that explains what you do, what makes you unique, how you make the lives of your customers better as a result, and why they must do business with you right now is the single most important piece of marketing collateral your business can have.

You Need a Single Clear and Simple Elevator Pitch...Your "Compelling Reason Why" 

You can use this problem-solving statement across your website, on social media, in your email signature...anywhere your prospects come in contact with your brand...to instantly convey why prospects must respond, right now!

Elevator Pitch Case Study: Ashley Smith of Forming Her

"I love being able to explain my passion to more people!"

"I am a multiple passionate woman, so I dabble in so much training for my coaching business, Forming Her. 

With all my certifications, it was extremely hard to tell people how I would guide my clients to feeling like a Queen. 

I needed a way to strongly explain my unique formulas to the world so that they could clearly see the 'Forming Her' vision. 

"I've used my elevator pitch everywhere because I finally have a concise and clear statement to grab people's attention." 

I added the infographic to my service page on my website...

I sent the graphic to my email list to present the Forming Her formulas to my tribe...

I had two live presentations that I used the graphic at to introduce myself and my business... 

But the most impactful usage has been when people ask me what I do. 

I used to ramble on during these encounters and now I proudly state my purpose to potential clients.

I have seen a huge increase in my online presence and I have had a lot more people come to me wanting to collaborate or market my coaching. 

There are more potential clients, messaging me wanting to hear more about Forming Her and I love being able to explain my passion to more people!"

Check Out What We've Created For Some of Our Other Happy Clients...

This is a limited-time opportunity to consult with a team of experts to help you craft your unique Elevator Pitch that's impossible to misunderstand, impossible to ignore...and impossible to resist!

For Just $649 $499, You're Getting...
  • A 15-minute one-on-one consultation with an Expert Copywriter to uncover the compelling story behind your brand. (We've perfected our process so now it takes half the time it did before!) 
  • A short-and-sweet Elevator Pitch that leaves no doubt as to why a prospect should do business with you...right now.
  • A consistent message for your brand that prospects instantly understand & that communicates your unique value...guaranteed!
And We'll Turn Your Elevator Pitch into an Engaging One-Page, One-of-a-Kind Infographic!
  • Share it with your team so they all use it!
  • ​Feature it on your website
  • ​Use it in your sales & marketing collateral
  • ​Distribute at trade shows and events
  • ​Spread it on social media
  • ​And more!
Click the image to expand

Plus...Use Your New Elevator Pitch to Attract Even More New Customers With this FREE Bonus!

Free Bonus!

How to Become an "Ideal Client Magnet!"

$29 Value

In this guide and checklist, you'll discover the exact process we use with our clients that makes them irresistible. So you can stop chasing prospects who will never buy...and focus only on those who can't wait to do business with you instead!
  • Automatically attract the "right" prospects...so you save time and money by marketing only to people most likely to buy.
  • ​​Increase the lifetime value of every client -- Ideal Clients are twice as likely to continue doing business with you after the initial sale.
  • ​Win more customers and raving fans -- Ideal Clients can't wait to tell the world about you and your business!
Get YOUR Compelling "Elevator Pitch" Plus a One-of-a-Kind Infographic Now!   
Get a Compelling "Elevator Pitch" for Your Brand Plus a FREE One-of-a-Kind Infographic
Get a Compelling "Elevator Pitch" for Your Brand Plus a FREE One-of-a-Kind Infographic   
Get a Compelling "Elevator Pitch" for Your Brand Plus a FREE One-of-a-Kind Infographic
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